Why The Financial Sector Requires a Resilient Uninterrupted Power Supply Network to Keep From Experiencing Cardiac Arrest
The financial sector is a critical artery for national and global institutions and governments to pump trillions of “mission-critical”transactions on a daily basis that fuel economies within and across borders. But even a small power outage interruption can cause thousands of financial dealings to freeze, resulting in the world’s monetary heartbeat to arrest . The financial sector requires colossal computing power to trade at lightning speed and frequency, to analyze and react to market fluctuations, and to provide customers—both private and government—with seamless access to monetary services and trades. Financial institutions require a highly reliable uninterrupted power supply (UPS) fed through a resilient electrical network that can maintain optimal operations in the event of a blackout, breach or natural disaster that would otherwise cripple its power source. Case in point: the US Federal Reserve in February 2020 experienced a three-hour national outage. To many, that may seem tri...